Woowoo For The Skeptic

Chakras Shmockras: Energy Healing Without the New Age Foofy Talk - Amy Morgan - WWS011



Episode 11 discusses how language in the spirituality world can create somewhat of a barrier to those who are unfamiliar with the terms--and turned off by the 'out there' labels such as chakras, auras, and higher self. Kim interviews Amy Morgan, who uses a combination of hypnosis, reiki, and earth based energies using her hands. Amy has a tech background, and brings a very left-brained pragmatic perspective to energy healing. She readily admits that she's not sure how her energy healing works--just that it does. Amy is also trained in hypnosis, and discusses how 'reprogramming' the subconscious mind can assist with emotional healing. Amy Morgan graduated from the Northwest School of Healing where she was trained in Barbara Brennan techniques, body-based psychotherapy, inner child work, and reiki master training through the lineage of Iris Ishakura. Amy's website: http://groundedenergyhealing.com/  Podcast website: http://woowoofortheskeptic.com  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woowoo4ts  Kim Polinder's we