Woowoo For The Skeptic

Numerology with Kari Samuels - WWS005



Episode 5 focuses on the history of numerology and how it is used today in determining personality traits, house energies, and themes for the year. Kim interviews Kari Samuels, an Intuitive Numerologist and Happiness Coach. Kari helps people align with their soul’s purpose and reclaim their intuitive gifts. She reads your personal numerology profile as a portal into your soul's plan, illuminating your destiny as well as your past life memories, childhood programming, and the specific beliefs and experiences that are blocking you from abundance. With the assistance of the Archangels and a team of Spirit Guides, she helps liberate you from self-sabotaging fears, beliefs and energy so you can fulfill your soul's purpose with joy and prosperity. If there is an area in your life that needs more joy, Kari can shed light on dark places and lift your spirits with love, while guiding you on your path toward happiness and success. It is her passion to help people reclaim their natural intuition so they can truly shine