Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Are You Reaching Your Full Potential? with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Do you consider yourself successful?  In your business?  In your income?  In your relationships?  How would we answer these questions if we were honest with ourselves?  As entrepreneurs, we often sacrifice things that are super important in our lives for the idea that once I arrive at ‘x’ figure, or once I get this promotion, or once I get to this place in my business…  …then I will reach my definition of success. …and then I can finally show up and have those moments that I’ve been missing. But then the sense of urgency steals the joy of it, because those moments are slipping away.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking about leaning into untapped potential and how your brain wires and fires actual success. There is a key difference between those who are living a limitless life (limitless business growth, limitless impact, and limitless relationship satisfaction) and those who constantly feel a cap on their ability to reach new levels. If you’re feeling capped in one, or all of these departments