

“Work harder.” “Keep hustling.” “Give it your 110%”. You’ve heard iterations of these phrases and have probably repeated them back to yourself whenever your balancing act of business, family, and life feels impossible to manage.   What if I told you that this Entrepreneurial Mindset could be different? That you could move past striving and start thriving?   My mentor, James Wedmore, joins me today on the Epic Success Podcast to teach you how to see Entrepreneurship from the inside out! James trains Digital Entrepreneurs to market their business effectively and generate more revenue, all while reintroducing FUN into their business plans! As founder of his signature program Business by Design and his Mind Your Business podcast, he focuses on practical tips to lead a higher quality life and business.    James mentored me when I started to take my offline business online. In a matter of 9 months, I was doing 6-Figure Launches without the stress and overwhelm suffered by so many others. In addition, James a