Success 2.0

Mastering 'No'



In this episode of Success 2.0, CJ (@cjmccoach) explores the concept of “saying no” and how embracing it is a must if you want to grow your business, transform your career, or get greater satisfaction out of life.   Mentioned in this episode: How Apple struggled to find its footing after letting go of Steve Jobs, and how bringing him back on as CEO set the stage for Apple to become one of the most valuable companies of all time. Why having too many options has had a negative impact on how we spend our time and the joy we get from our decisions. What a social media detox can do for your mental health and how to do it effectively. How to shift your paradigm so that your default answer is no, rather than yes, and why people will be grateful for it. How to understand what is most important in your life (a.k.a. “show me your calendar, and I’ll show you what’s most important to you.”) What it means to “create a trap” for yourself that will ensure you succeed.   CJ’s tactics for mastering the art of no Make a par