Success 2.0

Episode 66 - The Thank You Note



In this episode: A moment where I caught myself moaning/groaning about travel and bitching about weather  Why marketing is built to make you feel inadequate The power of writing a thank you note How to craft a thank you note and who to send it to   Other than Amazon, how often is it that you receive something in the mail that isn't marketing, a bill, a newspaper, or some form of advertisement?  In today's age, a gesture as simple as a 'Thank You' is not only a rarity, it's virtually nonexistent. Yet, I continually find that people are elated when they open a hand-written letter that someone took the time to mail. It's so simple that it's amazing people don't do it more. So, the question is, what can you do with a hand-written note? Here are a few ideas... Lay out a letter to be sent out at the end of the week and make a deadline to send it out to someone Follow up after getting someone's business card  Reach out to someone you've not spoken with in awhile Tell a friend why you appreciate them Give a client