

We’re often asked about dentists’ new patient strategies and today Jayme shares a simple, no cost tool you can use in your practice right away. Exponentially Grow Dentists New PatientsJayme has shared this concept with doctors all over the country over the past decade and knows how important the topic is. You’ll find a real, practical set of tools that you and your team can start using to grow new patient numbers today. The Resources You’ll Need:1. Health History Form2. A Patient3. 2 gifts in duplicate New patients in your dental office are necessary for long term growth. That’s not a secret. What is a secret is the methods that can work day in and day out with little effort and little attention from you as the owner of the practice. Dentists across the country have been frustrated by new patient tools that leave them with high marketing costs and few patients. Now you can use this free tool right away - and see results instantly.  3 BONUSES: 1) hear Jayme’s clever technique to pay .20 cents and dramatical