Healing Outside The Box

HOTB 208: Putting the Mediterranean diet theory into practice



The Mediterranean diet sounds like it's good for what ails you (if what ails you is most of our current chronic diseases), but how do you translate that into breakfast, lunch, and dinner? In the first half of this episode, I mention something called the CHIP program. CHIP stands for complete health improvement project and involves a Mediterranean diet along with activity and community support. The episode devoted to the CHIP program can be found here. One of the most important tricks to eating healthier is to enjoy what we are eating. So today I thought I would take some typical American favorites and alter them to make them more Mediterranean. That doesn't necessarily mean we all should be eating only fish and chickpeas. It's a principal of building our dinner plate based on seasonal produce, healthy grains, and smaller amounts of meat, chicken, and fish. You can find some of the recipes I discussed on my website podcast page. If you have any questions, would like tips to build your favorite recipes, or wo