Killing Your Darlings

KYD 064 - Interview with the Vampire



Twilight sucks.  Twilight sucks.  Twilight sucks. OK, now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about an actual awesome vampire series.  Penned by Anne Rice back in the 80s/90s, The Vampire Chronicles were what every bookish teenage girl read and swooned over.  And by every bookish teenage girl, we're talking about Chrysten.  So of course because there were wildly successful books, there had to be a movie.  Enter 1994's Interview with the Vampire. Brad Pitt plays Louis, a vampire telling his story to an eager reporter (played by Christian Slater).  He regales Slater with the story of how he was made and the relationship he had with his maker, Lestat (Tom Cruise) and some of the other vampire relationships he had over the years.  Also starring Kirsten Dunst as the curly haired child vampire, Claudia, and Antonio Banderas (TOO SEXY!) as the oldest living vampire, Armand, this movie is one of those terrible period dramas that Chrysten loves.  But will Dan fall under the vampire's spell?  Join us and fin