Killing Your Darlings

KYD 033 - Mr. Mom



First of all...we need to address the elephant in the room: Michael Keaton is by far the most underrated actor of the past 30 years.  Guys, he's so good.  Like, for real, just so f**kin' good.  Take this week's film, Mr. Mom.  This is a goofy fish-out-of-water role reversal comedy.  And yet somehow, Michael Keaton is doing some of the subtlest, most interesting work of his magnificent career.  Also Keaton = Best Batman, THIS IS NOT A DEBATE!!!  Btw, Teri Garr and Martin Mull are also bringing their A-games in this movie.  Set in the suburbs of Detroit, Jack Butler has just been laid off from his job as an engineer at a major car manufacturer.  His wife, Caroline, has been a stay-at-home mom for the past few years, but has a background in advertising.  When Caroline secures a job at a big advertising firm, Jack is forced to take on the role of homemaker with HILARIOUS results.  This was one of those movies that Chrysten's parents taped off of HBO that she would rewind and re-watch on a constant loop.  Dan has,