Killing Your Darlings

KYD 028 - Rock-A-Doodle



Oh, Flannel Cakes...what have you done to us?  This week we watch the movie that sunk Don Bluth's animation studio...the absolutely "fowl" (get it?) singing chicken story Rock-A-Doodle.  Don't blame us.  Our friends over at the Flannel Cakes podcast made us do it.  Loosely based on characters from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, this movie stars one "cocky" (can't ever get enough chicken based puns!) rooster named Chanticleer who thinks that he makes the sun rise when he crows.  But the evil Duke of Owls hates Chanticleer's singing and devises a nefarious plot to keep him off the farm forever!  That's a very basic plot summary...this movie is far more bananas than that.  You gotta see it to believe it.  Or are you too...chicken?  Join us, darlings! And don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!