Golf Talk Radio With Mike & Billy Podcasts

Golf Talk Radio M&B - 3/14/2009 - Rick Smith, Master Teaching Professional & David Westley - - Hour 2



Many know Rick Smith the golf instructor, but few know about his accolades as a player. He never lost a match at Upper St. Clair High School near Pittsburgh, he qualified for the 1983 U.S. Open at Oakmont, and in 1980 he shot a 61 in the PGA's club professional Playing Ability Test."I learned a lot working for Walker Inman at Scioto Country Club, and he believed that to be a great teacher of the game, you had to be a pretty good player," says Smith. "I still love playing golf. So much, I've actually thought about playing on the Champions Tour when I turn 50."Ever since he used to pass instruction notes to high school teammates and give lessons to a then 14-year-old Lee Janzen, Smith says his time spent on the lesson tee is his favorite part of the day.RICK SMITHMASTER TEACHING PROFESSIONAL TO THE PGA TOUR’S BEST!Rick Smith, CEO and President of Rick Smith Enterprises, Inc., has achieved great success in golf as a teacher, designer and communicator. He is regarded as one of the PGA tour’s best “sounding boards