Golf Talk Radio With Mike & Billy Podcasts

Golf Talk Radio M&B - 2/21/2009 - Dr. Deborah Graham, Golf Performance Specialist - Hour 1



Dr. Deborah Graham is a licensed Counseling Psychologist specializing in golf performance. Working with professional and amateur golfers from around the world, her client list includes over 350 players on the PGA, LPGA and Champions Tours, 13 of which she helped guide to 16 major championships.Beginning in 1981 with a study of LPGA players she determined the statistical differences between champion and average players on tour, collecting data with the assistance of LPGA hall of fame member, Carol Mann. The findings helped earn her doctorate and identified 8 critical traits important for success in golf. This study was duplicated on the PGA and SR. PGA tours with the assistance of her husband, Jon Stabler, and numerous pros including Bruce Crampton. Again the found the 8 champion traits, forming the foundation of the GolfPsych mental game training system.These studies and their Tour experience led to their still popular book, "The Eight Traits of Champion Golfers", published by Simon and Schuster in 1999. Now