Golf Talk Radio With Mike & Billy Podcasts

GTR M&B - 02/07/2009 - Eddie Merrins, PGA - Hour 2



Affectionately known as the "Little Pro," Eddie Merrins has long been revered as a golf guru. For nearly 40 years Eddie has lived and breathed the game and the way of life of golf as Head Professional at the Bel-Air Country Club in Los Angeles. At the Bel-Air Country Club the locker nameplates read like an Oscar party guest list; Tom Cruise, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, Richard Crenna, Jack Wagner and James Garner, are just a few.The Little Pro has instructed some of the biggest names in entertainment, as well as some of the highest-level professional golfers. Merrins has amassed almost 60 years of knowledge, from his years as a junior, amateur and college golfer to his career as a professional tour player, instructor, head professional and NCAA coach.Teaching means more to me than any tournament because I've helped that person to help himself or herself," Merrins said. "Playing is for personal satisfaction, but teaching is a labor of love."While beginning his teaching career, Merrins also had the insight that