Golf Talk Radio With Mike & Billy Podcasts

Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy 10/04/2008 - Hour 1



Mike and Billy discuss the emergency with Mike's Clubs, Play the Winner of the "Worst Golf Song" contest and more during Mike's Course.  Dave Schimandle with Slickstix - calls into GTR to discuss the importance of checking the lofts and lies of your clubs (unlike Mike).  Mike & Billy give golf tips that you can use away from the golf course to improve your game while at work or at home!  Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy is brought to you by the following sponsors - Avila Beach Golf Resort - www.avilabeachresort.comBlacklake Golf Resort - www.blacklake.comAvila Village Inn - www.avilabeachca.comAvila LaFonda Hotel - www.avilalafondahotel.comGolfland Warehouse - www.golflandwarehouse.comSlickstix - For more information on Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy visit and visit for Golf Talk TV with Mike & Billy.