Blended Family Podcast

Gabrielle Hartley, divorce expert, joins me to discuss her book Better Apart


Sinopsis   Gabrielle Hartley is a leading divorce attorney, mediator, coach, author and speaker.  Her new book, Better Apart; The Radically Positive Way to Separate (Harper Collins) is the first book of its kind to combine the life changing, healing wisdom of mindfulness, meditation and yoga with practical advice and legal wisdom to get the reader through and beyond the divorce.    Better Apart was named “the conscious uncoupling how-to” by People Magazine.  She has also been featured throughout media channels including The New York Times, The New York Post, Yoga Journal, & Mind Body Green. Gabrielle is the founder of Better Apart Divorce Coaching, Co-Parenting and Mediation Services as well as live and online class for individuals and professionals working with divorce. She speaks around the nation on radical self care.  In her practice, she is known for a unique, non-toxic approach to divorce that she developed over two decades in practice. Gabrielle