Blended Family Podcast

198-But it's your family, Dr Sherrie Campbell joins me to talk about her new book!


Sinopsis   Joining the podcast is Sherrie Campbell, the author of But It’s Your Family...Cutting Ties with Toxic Family Members and Loving Yourself in the Aftermath. Toxic family abuse is always two-fold. The first layer of abuse is the original poor treatment by toxic family members, and the second is someone’s denial of the ways in which abusers treat and harm them. Loving someone doesn’t always mean having a relationship with them, just like forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. A significant part of healing comes with accepting that there are some relationships that are so poisonous that they destroy one’s ability to be healthy and function best. But It’s Your Family is a remarkable account of what it means to cut ties to toxic family abuse and thrive in the aftermath.   Sherrie shares her personal story, and then we take a deep dive into the topic of what it’s like to have a toxic person in your life, and how to break free!   Connect With Dr.