Blended Family Podcast

91-A break up story, with Lauren Jean


Sinopsis   Lauren Jean is a single momma, author, and podcast stylist. Thru her obsession with her own podcast and self development she discovered that teaching and connecting others are her superpowers. She is putting them to the test now through her signature program passion to pod which trains podcaster wanna be’s to voice their message through their very own podcast. Lauren is also a fellow listener, and joins the show to tell her personal break up story. She knows the pain of deciding to end a relationship and break up a blended family. She shares Her personal story Problematic issues in her relationship When she knew it was over How the break up affected the children And much much more   Lauren's story is hers only, and not intended to tell other families what to do. She is just here to tell us that sometimes things don’t work out, and life goes on. Connect with Lauren   Listen to her podcast on stitcher Listen to her podcast on itunes Connect o