Blended Family Podcast

89-Julie Lythcott-Haims, How to raise an adult


Sinopsis   Julie joins me on the show to talk about her book How to raise an adult: Break free of the overparenting trap and prepare your kid for success   Julie Lythcott-Haims served as Dean of Freshmen and Undergraduate Advising at Stanford University, where she received the Dinkelspiel Award for her contributions to the undergraduate experience. A mother of two teenagers, she has spoken and written widely on the phenomenon of helicopter parenting, and her work has appeared on TEDx talks and in Forbes and the Chicago Tribune. She is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.   You will hear us talk about What motivated her to write the book Where this shift in parenting came from Why our children lack basic life skills Where the school system is failing us How to work with different parenting styles Why divorce causes overparenting How do we turn things around Damage that overparenting causes   Connect with J