Blended Family Podcast

88-Help! The kids are ruining my life!


Sinopsis   Do you ever feel like your children are ruining your life? Or do you feel like they are ruining your dream of a perfect blended family? Parenting is hard, and managing a blended family is a huge challenge. We all struggle with feelings like this. Some of the issues you might be dealing with are Sleep deprivation Lack of spontaneity Lack of a social life Lack of sex life Unorganized home Health problems Career struggles Financial struggles Overpaying child support Manipulative children   Don’t struggle with guilt, we know you love your kids, but they just don’t make it easy sometimes! Join the Private Facebook Group Listen and Rate/Review on Itunes Connect with me on Facebook Connect with me on Twitter Send questions or feedback to Send me a voicemail at Speakpipe Visit the website at Sign up for my monthly newsletter