Blended Family Podcast

84-Don't focus on what you cannot change!


Sinopsis   There are things in our lives and blended families that frustrate us. Some of these things we have power to change, but many we do not. There’s no sense in focusing attention to the things we have no control over. In this episode I give you a simple exercise to help you determine what deserves your attention, and what doesn’t.   Create a master list of everything in your life that you you wish you could change or improve.   Then each item gets placed on one of three lists titled: Things I can change Things I might be able to change Things I cannot change   On the first two lists, write action steps for each item. These are things you can do to improve or change the situation. Then you implement those action steps in your life to create change!   The last list, you are going to put away, and drive all of your focus away from it. Focus all of your energy on the positive and on what you have the power to make better! Join the Private Facebook Gr