Blended Family Podcast

29-Raise the Child You Were Given


Sinopsis   It is very common as parents to compare our own children to other children. This comparison hinders us from truly seeing the positive qualities in a child. We need to accept, love, and embrace our kids for who they are, positive and negative. Blended families can struggle with this, as suddenly there are other kids in the home, and often we cannot help but to compare our biological children to our stepchildren. It is our human nature to do this, but it’s important to try not to for the sake of your child, and for your own sanity. You can make a conscious effort to stop comparing, love your children for who they are, and focus on their positive qualities. Join the Private Facebook Group Listen and Rate/Review on Itunes Connect with me on Facebook Connect with me on Twitter Send questions or feedback to Send me a voicemail at Speakpipe Visit the website at