Blended Family Podcast

17-Difficult and Manipulative Children in the Blended Family


Sinopsis Raising difficult or manipulative children is so challenging, especially in a blended family home. In cases of divorce, these children are adept at working the parents against one another to get whatever it is that they want.  This behavior can cause lasting damage on the family and your relationship with your partner.   The key to success in helping a difficult child is to determine if there is a medical or psychological cause for their behavior. There are many options to get them the help they need.  If a cause is not determined, there are methods of behavior modification in the home that you can use.   While taking care of the difficult child’s needs, you mustn’t neglect yourself, your partner, or the other children in the home.  There are coping strategies that can help you all keep your sanity.  All children must grow up someday, and so this season in your life will pass.  Take care of your own mental and physical well being so you can be the