Blended Family Podcast

Episode 10-Fighting Part 1 / Parents


Sinopsis   Parents in blended families face extra stress and difficulties, which can create some tension on the relationship. This can lead to excess fighting between the adults, and this can be damaging to your blended family.  Some of the most common causes of arguments could be ex partners, children, money, and scheduling.   There are ways to overcome this by learning healthy methods and strategies.  You want to make sure you are fighting fair.  There are good and bad ways to resolve conflicts. First step is to stop using the word fight, which is defined as battle, or combat.  Let’s replace that word with “argument,” or “disagreement.”   You and your partner may have very different styles of handling a conflict, and this in itself can cause a huge problem.  Start paying attention to the way you speak to each other.  Avoid using hurtful and negative language.  Avoid yelling and being accusatory.  Instead try replacing with more positive language, and lea