Blended Family Podcast

Episode 06-Establishing House Rules



When you move in together, It is really important to have a guideline of rules for the home.  This will insure that everyone knows what is expected of them.  There are rules for parents, rules for children, and general house rules.   Everything starts with the parents.  You and your partner need to first figure out your own rules, as a couple, in the home.  There are a few standards which should be a given.  This would include keeping an honest and open communication between the two of you.  Also, you should stand united when it comes to issues with the children.  If you do disagree, take it away from the kids.  When you are in front of the children, you must present yourselves as being on the same team, or they will drive a wedge between you both.  Other things you should discuss, is each of your responsibilities in the home, such as who will handle certain tasks, like cooking, cleaning, lawn care, bills, etc.  Last for you as parents, is to decide your own rules for disciplining the children.  You need to f