Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Mindfulness and the Key to Believing in Yourself



In episode 72 of Fresh Tracks I speak with mindfulness expert John Allcock. We dig deep into the role mindfulness plays in setting and achieving goals, our belief in ourselves, and how we handle failure. John shares that being mindful (aware) allows us to recognize if our thoughts are unrealistically negative – which impacts our belief in our self. Once we are aware we can then make the decision to check the thoughts out and see if they are correct and, if not, replace them with more accurate, positive beliefs and intentions. Which ultimately allow us to live a happier, fuller, and more meaningful life. Sounds great, but how do you do this you may ask? John shares techniques to train your attention so you don’t get wrapped up in distorted thinking that’s not realistic. Awareness gives us the power to realize we are choosing to listen to negative thoughts and the choice to choose positive thoughts. In this week’s show we also take a look at how we handle failure. Because if you look at failure as something to