Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Interview with Jessica Barron, VP &GM for



In Episode 48 of Fresh Tracks I speak with Jessica Barron, VP & GM of We cover a wide range of topics from personal health for busy professionals to the hot new marketing to trends for 2017! Jess discusses the challenges in adding voice to a large brand and balancing that with giving everyone a voice…all the while recognizing that you can’t please everyone. What’s the key to Livestrong’s success of over 27.5 million unique monthly viewers? Always looking to the future and invigorating their brand. On this week’s show Jess discusses tips for moving your business forward and always staying on top of the times as well as the role trending topics plays in growing your brand. She also had some interesting insights on the different interests on today’s popular mediums such as Facebook, snapchat and twitter. Jess also shares her advice for any Fresh Trackers wanting to get into the health and wellness space. Truthfully her tips can apply to all of us in any industry so be sure to listen in! Fro