Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Selling in a Skirt



In episode 44 of Fresh Tracks I speak with author, iHeart radio show host and sales expert Judy Hoberman about sales. Judy shares insights on her brand, Selling in a Skirt, and teaches in-depth on her S.K.I.R.T philosophy. There is no getting away from sales as an entrepreneur, yet many of us struggle because we don’t feel comfortable selling or we feel we aren’t being in integrity with ourselves by ‘selling’ to others. Judy busts those ancient sales myths and that yucky salesy feeling and shares how bringing some old fashioned relationship building to the conversation changes everything. Don’t let ‘the triangle’ intimidate you, it’s not in Bermuda – Judy’s simple ‘strategic triangle’ will help everyone that suffers from bright shiny object syndrome stay on track when new opportunities present themselves! From being realistic in your goal setting to creating a one-page business plan, Judy helps simplify making money and connecting with clients on this week’s show! Show Notes: 2:10 – Why selling the selling in