Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

5 Tips to Gain More Media Exposure



In episode 39 of Fresh Tracks entrepreneur, publicist, and publisher of Strictly Marketing Magazine Kerry Heaps shares her insights on how you can grow your business with publicity. Kerry shares that experience with the media is a journey and you don’t usually start at the top! There are, however, some places where it’s easiest to get started and build your experience and confidence. Kerry shares the 5 steps everyone should follow when building their brand with publicity. Finding media to feature you can easily become a major time suck! Kerry shares several best practices to help you make the most of your time and make the experience good for both you and the media outlet. The goal of publicity is not just to get interviewed or to have your article/blog post picked up. The goal is leads and have business results. Kerry shares insider secrets to getting the most from each interview you do – and even provides tips on how to get asked to come back! Show Notes 2:20 – Best place to get started4:40 – How to come up