Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity:



In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with author and spiritual teacher Edwene Gaines about money and prosperity. Money plays such an important role in our ability to cut Fresh Tracks that it’s presence, or lack of presence, in our life is often the place we make decisions from. Lack of money is often the excuse we give for not stepping into our dreams, for creating those Fresh Tracks in life. Most of us are not aware that there is more to making money and creating a prosperous life than hard work. Edwene Gaines shares her wisdom and personal experience on how each of us can create prosperity in our lives. From living your divine purpose to understanding the powerful role discontent has in our lives, Edwene shares that trusting our own personal guidance system and understanding Universal Law is what it takes to live a prosperous life. Edwene’s charm and humor motivates and empowers all of us to be the master of money and enrich our lives. All you need to do is give yourself permission to do something diffe