Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Trusting Yourself and Why it's Essential to Your Success



Episode 17 – In this episode of Fresh Tracks we take an in-depth look at trust. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have – it’s the foundation of every other relationship you have. The fact is there is no blueprint from starting and running a successful business and carving Fresh Tracks in this world. If there was everyone would be doing it. Life is one course correction after another. Trusting yourself is a must for you to have the confidence to cut fresh tracks. What effect does not trusting yourself have on your life? How does it affect your business results? To trust yourself you have to know yourself, really know yourself and be conscious of what might trigger you to not trust yourself and give yourself time and space to get grounded and make the right decision. Kelly shares insights into how to tell if you don’t trust yourself – you might not even know you don’t! We then look at what a healthy level of self-trust actually looks like and then have several insights into