Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Dave DeBronkart - ePatient Dave



ePatient Dave - Part I I'm honored to have Dave deBronkart on the podcast today. He is the original "e-Patient" and has a lot of stories and interesting projects to share with us today. As a matter of fact, so many interesting projects that we're going to break this into a two-part discussion, so join me for our conversation with e-Patient Dave on Get Social Health. Podcast Transcript Announcer:                      00:22                   Welcome to Get Social Health, a conversation about social media and how it's being used to help hospitals, social practices, healthcare practitioners and patients connect and engage via social media. Get Social Health, brings you conversations with professionals actively working in the field and provides real-life examples of healthcare social media in action. Here is your host, Janet Kennedy. Janet:                                00:48                   Welcome to the Get Social Health podcast. What an honor for me to have Dave deBronkart on the show today. He and I me