Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

A Passion for Health Technology



Many physicians have discovered a passion for health technology, but not many have taken an 180-degree turn into the digital health field right out of residency. John O'Donnell did and has found his unique medical perspective to be an asset to the programs he has joined like Startup Weekend Health, iScribes and the design thinking workshop he co-lead with Katie Donohue McMillan. In our conversation, Jon and I discussed his medical school training at Duke University and how he "caught the digital health bug." Listen to our conversation or catch the time stamps below. Introduction, Startup Weekend Health Joyce Lee, Design Thinking advocate Duke Medical School Duke CRI - Clinical Research Institute Are you a digital early adopter What vision does your memory bring? Design thinking Medical School + Innovative Thinking Dell Medical School IBM Watson Digital health relieving mundane processes Everyone is creative Smashing Boxes Design Disruptors Katie Donohue McMillian Amy Abernathy, MD Jon O'Donnell, MD Social Med