Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Mayo Clinic's Social Media Data Geek



Meet Makala Johnson, Mayo Clinic's social media data geek. She was the first hire of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. After listening to her, you'll understand why. She is the a lover of all things data and demonstrates a great skill at understanding the data metrics that should be tied to social media. She also lives the mission of the Mayo Clinic and is engaging, friendly and helpful. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below: 06/15/15 -- A moment during Mayo Clinic's "Bringing on the Social Media Revolution to Health Care" social media residency, presented by the Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network at the Doubletree in Rochester, Minnesota on Monday, June 15, 2015. Follow along online using #MCCSM. Learn more at (Photo by Jason Pratt / Mayo Clinic) IntroductionMayo Clinic believes in engagementMetrics and analyticsHow did the Center for Social Media get foundedHow many team members in the social media effort at the Mayo Clinic?Content submis