Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

#EveryChildNeeds - AAP President



When you only serve a one year term as the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics you better hit the ground running. That's what 2015 AAP President Dr. Sandra Hassink did - with the help of her "Mission Control" team of Jamie Poslosky and Cassandra Blohowiak. Reaching out to engage with fellow pediatricians was a top priority and thus was initiated a series of Tweet Chats under the hashtag #EveryChildNeeds. Ably supported by #Tweetiatricians - Pediatricians who are active in Twitter, Dr. Hassink has led some lively Tweet Chats around topics central to promoting a healthy child. Listen to our conversation or jump in at the time stamps below. Intro#TweetiatriciansEngaging with AAP membersServing as President of AAPWhat are your goals?AAP Tweet Chats#EveryChildNeedsDoes the hashtag live on?Child centered conversationsAugust TweetChat: #ResiliancyTweet Chat preparation"Mission Control"Kids going to bed hungryManaging the Twitter handleTrollsNew social media platforms: Periscope and MeercatC-Suite involve