Catching Z's: The Millennials Guide To Mindfulness

CZ 063: Niraj Naik, The Renegade Pharmacist and Founder of SOMA Breath



Niraj is a fountain of wisdom and practical tips about how to live your life more naturally and to the fullest.  He knows this stuff from his first hand experience as a former pharmacist that didn't subscribe to the techniques of prescribing a ton of pills to his patients, rather he made them healthy shopping lists.  He was then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and this caused him to seek out alternative methods to treating this and that is when he found yoga, meditation, ayurvedic medicine and many other things, including his true self.  He's had a prolific career in music which he combines in his breathwork technique SOMA breath.  We talk about this ancient psychedelic ritual and how he has incorporated it into what he teaches as SOMA breath today. The meditation at the end is unlike anything I've ever experienced as he combines music with rhythmic breathing and chanting to create a truly new experience with oxygen and your body.    SOMA Breath What happens one hour after drinking a can of Coke