Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

178 | Gutsy Job Seeking | Kate White, Author & Former Cosmopolitan Editor-In-Chief, New York, NY



Episode 178 is live! This week, we talk with Kate White in New York, NY. Kate is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve murder mysteries AND multiple career books, including I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: How to Ask for the Money, Snag the Promotion, and Create the Career You Deserve, and The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success. On today's episode, Kate shares: What she learned from her career as Editor-In-Chief at Cosmopolitan magazine Her advice for media and journalism job seekers Brave job search strategies for job seekers Tips on your appearance during an interview What she learned about asking for a higher salary that will help you in your job search Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. To learn more about Kate's work, visit her website at  You can also follow her on Twitter at @katemwhite. You can find her books on Amazon. Thank YOU for listening! If you've enjoyed the show today, d