Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

166 | You just got laid off. Now what? - Elizabeth Gross, Founder, Job Search Divas



Episode 166 is live! This week, we talk with Elizabeth Gross in Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth is the Founder of Job Search Divas, where she helps job seekers through their job search journey. Elizabeth has extensive experience at a number of companies, including Monster, Bank of America, and Constant Contact. On today's episode, Elizabeth shares: The first thing you should do when you've been laid off The biggest challenge you may face if you've been laid off What you can do to be a better job candidate online Which emotional support you should (and shouldn't) seek out after you've been laid off Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. To learn more about Elizabeth, visit her website at Thanks to everyone for listening! And, thank you to those who sent me questions. You can send me your questions to You can also send me questions via Twitter. I'm @CopelandCoach. And, on Facebook, I am Copeland