Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

133 | Surviving Unplanned Career Change – Michelle Hynes, Portland, Oregon



Episode 133 is live! This week, we talk with Michelle Hynes in Portland, Oregon. Michelle is a coach and consultant with deep roots in mission-focused organizations. She has a passionate interest in how people navigate planned and unplanned change.  Michelle helps to ease transitions, nurture growth, and create supportive structures for teams. On today's episode, Michelle shares her tips on surviving unplanned career change, from reaching out to friends for help to job seeking to talking about what happened. Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on iTunes or Stitcher. To learn more about Michelle, visit her website at Here are links to the additional resources Michelle mentions in the episode. Marci Alboher, The Encore Career Handbook: How to Make a Living and a Difference in the Second Half of Life Laura Gassner Otting, Mission Driven: Moving From Profit to Purpose Thanks to everyone for listening! And, thank you to those who sent me questions.