Deer Hunt - Big Buck Registry - Fueled By Treestand Wingman

263 Game Camera Picture Data - Deer Lab - JON LIVINGSTON - Hunt Tech Part III



By now in your hunting career you've probably used a game camera or two. As hunters we use game cameras to scout and gather information about deer movement.  Game camera pics can be deceiving though, for multiple reasons. For example, there could be a huntable buck in the area that just won't come to the camera.  Or, perhaps we get a picture of a buck, but the reason we think he's in the area might be relative to something completely different from what we thought.  Scientifically these examples could be considered a false negatives and a false positives.  Using a multiple camera system and gathering data points connected to weather  might be a better approach to determining when to hunt.  However, keeping track of data when using more than a couple cameras can be daunting and without keeping statistics correctly the degree of error goes up when determining the true pattern.  That's where Deer Lab comes into play.  Deer Lab takes game camera picture information thru photo recognition and time stamps and marri