Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

70 | Changing Direction - Interview with Scott Barlow from Happen To Your Career in Washington State



This week, we talk with Scott Barlow in Washington State. Scott is the Founder of Happen To Your Career, a website and a podcast that help job seekers take their careers in a new direction. Scott is a recovering HR pro turned career and passion coach that has been speaking, training, and doing workshops for 10 years. On today's podcast, Scott shares his advice on changing careers, finding happiness in your strengths, and asking for more money. Listen and learn more! If you've enjoyed the program today, be sure to subscribe to the Copeland Coaching Podcast on iTunes to ensure you don't miss an episode. To learn more about Happen To Your Career, visit their website at