Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

57 | Simplify Your Life - Interview with Sam Davidson, Co-Founder and CEO of Batch in Nashville, TN



This week, we talk with Sam Davidson, Co-Founder and CEO of Batch in Nashville, TN. Batch is a service providing hand-crafted, local products right to your door. He has a proven track record of creating and growing companies and communities that make a difference, including Onward Strategy, CoolPeopleCare, and Inconvenient Youth. He's also the author of three books including "Simplify Your Life: How to de-clutter and de-stress your way to happiness." On today's episode, we talk about making a difference in your work, following your passion, and creating a personal strategic plan. Listen and learn more! If you've enjoyed the program today, be sure to subscribe to the Copeland Coaching Podcast on iTunes to ensure you don't miss an episode. To learn more about Batch, visit their website at Use promotional code "Angela" to receive 10% off your next purchase!