Copeland Coaching Podcast: Career Advice For Job Seekers Who Want To Find A Job | Career | Work | Employment They Love

24 | Career Path of an Engineer - Interview with Jessica Rannow, Director of Professional Excellence, Society of Women Engineers, Columbus, OH



This week, we talk with Jessica Rannow, Director of Professional Excellence at the Society of Women Engineers in Columbus Ohio. SWE is a non-profit organization with over 30,000 members worldwide. SWE's mission is to encourage women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the images of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity. Jessica shares her career advice for fellow engineers and job seekers interested in an alternative path. Listen and learn more! If you've enjoyed the program today, be sure to subscribe to the Copeland Coaching Podcast on iTunes to ensure you don't miss an episode. To learn more about Angela and Copeland Coaching, visit the website at To learn more about the Society of Women Engineers, visit their website at