Creators Cast

78 - Board Games - Grant Rodiek Chat!



NewsCheck out Creators Appreciation Day! On the first weekend in March 2016... Pick three things you enjoy that were created by someone (songs, podcast, game, movie, app, recipe, etc.) Let the creator know how much you enjoy that thing (rate it on Spotify, write a review on iTunes, become a fan on, write a YouTube comment, rate it in the app store, tweet to the creator #CreatorAppreciationDay , become a facebook fan, write a review for Amazon, comment on their kickstarter campaign, etc.) Share with your friends either in person (schedule a Show and Tell party where you take turns sharing your favorite music, or playing your favorite game) or on social media. Discover new creators that your friends recommend.  Rules (ok, guidelines): This is not about money. It’s great to financially support your favorite creators via crowdfunding, patreon, buying products, etc. But this is about expressing appreciation. Focus on living creators. Let’s appreciat