Lawpreneur Radio - A New Practice Built A New Way With Entrepreneurial Attorney Miranda Mccroskey

139: Jibit Cinar of Cepkinian-Cinar Law Group discusses why going solo is the absolute best choice for the female professional who is also a wife and mother.



Jibit Cinar of Cepkinian-Cinar Law Group is a solo practitioner with her office in Santa Ana, California. In 2010, after nearly 7 years in the law firm environment Jibit decided to go out on her own. At that time, as the mother of one daughter (and with the hopes of another child soon thereafter), Jibit decided she was done with the billable hour. She knew it would be the best decision for her family to decide for herself what her caseload would be and what her work hours would look like. This was the best decision she made, and 5 years later, she practices general civil and employment litigation (defense). She's the wife of a wonderful entrepreneur husband and the mother of two beautiful girls, Lara and Liana, ages 7 and 3.