Book Club Shmook Club « Talkbomb

BCSC: Let's Sing Along



 HEAD TO WB2045.COM TO FIND LINKS TO THE COMPANION VIDEO, OR CLICK HERE: (The best part comes at about 3 minutes, 49 seconds!) This week on Book Club Shmook Club we tell the sordid tale of Let's Sing Along with Brett Ambler, a weird little tape Krissy was in 20 years ago! We're going to contact that charismatic host and see what happens! Anyway, this is also your wake up call: We're talking about the end of The Gunslinger next week! Will Kristen enjoy it enough to read more?? PROBABLY NOT! But either way, the Dark Tower series will appear in the future, trust me!  FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045 @WillRogers2000! FIND MORE LINKS AT WB2045.COM! You can also email us!! See you next week for another new episode of The Shmooks!