Book Club Shmook Club « Talkbomb

BCSC: Life After Life Part 1



CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! [audio] Hello Shmooks, and welcome to Part One of our reading of Life After Life, by Kate Atkinson!   As described by the book's jacket and various sellers, Life After Life is the story of Ursula Todd, a woman who has died many times, yet paradoxically lives on. The people around her are unaware of what is happening to her, as each "new life" of hers is apparently an opportunity for Ursula to learn from her previous incarnation. The book is meant to be one part character study, and one part metaphysical/science fiction adventure, though as you'll here, we debate how true that is. We're joined this week by Bobby Koester (of Will and Bobby Know Everything and Studio Rejects), and while we are all at odds in the beginning of the episode, we all eventually come to view the book in a similar way. It's a terrific conversation, so I hope you'll enjoy listening in! And in the meantime, please get in touch with us on Twitte