21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP154 - The Good Rebels Journey Towards Salary Transparency



Fernando Polo describes his company’s journey towards salary transparency, and tells us why they’re moving towards self-setting salaries at Good Rebels. visit www.virtualnotdistant.com Pilar mentions this article about millenials and their attitude towards salary transparency: https://amp-businessinsider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.businessinsider.com/millennials-are-breaking-the-one-big-salary-taboo-reasons-why-2017-12 She recommends this episode from Ted Radio https://www.npr.org/programs/ted-radio-hour/567499335/transparency And also episode 137 from the 21st Century Work Life podcast with David Burkus. We start at the beginning of Fernando’s journey, when he joined the company during a very difficult period. The present Good Rebels structure, company make-up, locations, etc. Fernando mentions the book “The Future of Management” by Gary Hamel. How he shifted his mindset, from a hierarchical mindset to self-management after reading that book. Fernando’s own book, which he co-authored with his brother: