21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP152 Clarity and Transparency at Meet Edgar



Laura Roeder, founder of Meet Edgar, talks about how her company is structured and the role that clarity and transparency play in ensuring the right culture-employee fit. visit www.virtualnotdistant.com What is Meet Edgar, why it was set up and how. https://meetedgar.com/ Bootstrapping it, decisions around funding in the company. How Meet Edgar was/is funded and why Laura decided not to raise any venture capital for the business. How this funding model influences how people make decisions in the company. Apart from salaries, the company's financials are shared throughout the company, so that employees can understand why profit margins need to be high, where the money is coming from and where it's going. Company make-up and structure; the need for manageable timezones. Mainly working with others synchronously, but working from home. Products, Customer experience, Marketing, Operations. The company has set working hours, there is some flexibility but you're expected to be "at work" during core hours in the nor