21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP139 - Don’t Ditch Those Update Meetings… Yet



In this episode, Pilar explains the benefits of having regular update meetings with your remote team. visit www.virtualnotdistant.com Pilar mentions this article by Amy Edmondson and Bror Saxberg Putting Lifelong Learning on the CEO Agenda. http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/putting-lifelong-learning-on-the-ceo-agenda (We cover Psychological Safety also in Episode 9 of Management Café.) If you would like to be a Beta Reader for “Online Meetings that Rock”, sign up here https://www.virtualnotdistant.com/meetings-book/ 08:00mins The kind of team Pilar is talking about: Those with a decent timezone overlap. Don’t Cancel your Regular Team Meetings! Conversations not Presentations Nurturing Connections Technology becomes Your Friend Soon They Will be Everywhere! Check out episode 136 on how Automattic uses video to engage with customers. https://www.virtualnotdistant.com/podcasts/happiness-at-automattic There’s reference to episode 557 of HBR Ideacast “Restoring Sanity to the O